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How to: Prevent Toddler Tantrums

Hi all, Happy Friday! I was thinking about how Sophia's behavior has improved over the last month and after venting to you with my "The Meltdown" post, I wanted to share a few tips with you. I'm not saying my technique is the golden formula to prevent tantrums, by all means, but it works very well with Sophia and I guess every Mom could give it a try. First thing you have to know, that I also didn't know, is: Tantrums and Meltdowns are two very different things! Shortly after Sophia started to have the meltdowns, I started researching and reading some posts about it. This one was the most helpful. So basically, here is the difference: Tantrum: Has a purpose  Child wants to achieve something by throwing a tantrum (Have some chocolate) Meltdown: Has no purpose Child is overwhelmed by situation due to various factors (tiredness, hunger, sadness) Its an over-stimulation of the brain where the child does not have control of their behavior Si...

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