The Tag

Get To Know Me Tag

30 Questions No One Asks

1. Are you named after anyone?

Yes. Not any family member, though. I'm named after famous singer Jennifer Rush. She was my Dad's celebrity crush back in the 80's #thepoweroflove

2. When was the last time you cried?

Dang! Last Sunday. Hey cut me some slack, I'm preggo! Not that it really matters. I have to confess that I'm a big cry baby and a very emotional person. Back to the topic: I was watching "The Dutchess". The scene comes where Georgiana (Keira Knightley) has to give up her daughter Eliza to the father's family...that was too much for my sensible heart. Basically cried as if the child was mine!

3. Do you have kids?

I do. Sophia, born May 2014 and currently expecting my second girl due April 2018.

4. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself?

Definitely! Guys, I'm so fun to be around. The other day, I was told by a colleague at work that I should have a talk show because I'm so funny. No, honestly, I think I am a nice person and good company, so, YES!

5. Do you use sarcasm a lot?

Two things about me: I speak 6 languages fluently. Sarcasm is one of them!

6. What's the first thing you notice about people?

Ha! Good one. If I get to actually meet the person: The handshake. It's almost freaky how much I pay attention to a persons handshake. It just tells you sooo much about someone right away. If the handshake is weak, we're not going to be friends! We can be friendly (I'm always friendly), but that's it, no deeper connection there. If the handshake is strong and confident...well, HELLO THERE MY FRIEND! I'm overdoing this slightly, my apologies. It's just more likely that I will get along better with those people.

7. What is your eye color?

Boring brown.

8. Scary movie or happy endings?

A few years back I would have chosen the first. After becoming a Mom, I chose the latter.

9. Favorite smells?

Wow, the answers to this question could gross some people out. Mine are not gross though...I hope.
The smell of fresh brewed coffee, freshly mowed lawn and the air after the summer rain. Ah...and my child's farts....ha! I'm joking!!!

10. What's the furthest you've ever been from home?

I live in Switzerland. The furthest I've been was a business trip near to Washington DC.

11. Do you have any special talents?

Well, well...are you ready for this? I'm a pretty good singer. I'm not a bad dancer either...
In fact, music is a very big part of my life. I'm 100% sure, I wouldn't be the same person I am today if music hadn't been such a big part of my life growing up. It gave me a purpose as a teenager and honestly, I loved the attention of being "the one who could sing" haha! And look at me now, singing lullaby's to my child, I'm so successful. Feel the sarcasm yet?  

12. Where were you born?

Small village in the Swiss mountains called, Scuol! Bonus fact: I know it's a beautiful place but I have never actually been there since the moment I was born. Kinda sad, isn't it? I'm planing to go there this year though.

13. What are your hobbies?

This question was not made for moms. I'm a mom, I have no time for hobbies whatsoeveeeer!!
Apart form reading a bit before falling asleep like "sleeping beauty" and typing this blog, no hobbies at all. Oh, almost forgot my career as a lullaby singer...apologies! I guess that could be called a hobby.

14. Do you have any pets?

Nope. Love pets...other people's pets! Had a dog and two cats once. Now I have kids...that's all I can handle!

15. Do you have any siblings?

Saddest question of my life. No, I don't! Let me tell you, as a kid I didn't really care. It's not like I was a spoiled brat and wanted everything for myself. I just didn't grow up in the most child friendly emotional environment, let's put it this way. I asked my Mom once, why I didn't have any siblings and her answer was: I simply couldn't raise more kids by myself! I only realized a few years later, how deep and honest her response was. Ok, this answer is getting way too dark for my taste.
No, I don't have any siblings and as an adult I really miss that. Having a brother or a sister to be able to talk to and have a connection with. 

16. What do you want to be when you grow up?

Hey, I'm almost 30 BUT still a child at heart. My teenage dream was to become a professional singer. I held on to that dream for a good part of my 20's as well but came to the realization that, that life wasn't for me. The fame would definitely change who I am. I also never dreamed of a big career to be honest. I just wanted to work and earn my own money to have my own things. That's also why I didn't pursue any higher education. Although I loved school, I didn't enjoy the studying part at home.
What I'm trying to say is that, I'm still kinda trying to find my purpose in life. There's many things I'm good at but I haven't yet found the way to make something great that would make me proud one day. I'm definitely proud to be a mother and to have the job to raise my children to be decent human beings. But I also want to be a role model and someone they will look up to one day. Long story short: I don't know yet, what I want to be when I grow up but I will figure it out eventually...

17. Who was your first best friend?

My first best friend was a boy named Tiago. He was my neighbor growing up. We met at the age of 8, if I recall correctly. He was the brother I never had. We had an incredible connection and I never recall us fighting. We just understood each other in a way I can't even explain. Then we grew up, turned teenagers and started to date (other people). We were very protective of one another. He would seek my approval for his girlfriends and vice versa. Then sadly he moved away. We stayed in touch for a few more months but as time passed, we lost touch. Sad ending to a great friendship.

18. How tall are you?

1.67 m that would be 5.4 in the US. Average, I would say.

19. Funniest moment throughout school?

How to pick one? It has to be my girls fight! Believe me, it wasn't funny in that moment but looking back at it now as an adult, just cracks me up! So picture this: First year of high school a few months into the school year. We are sitting in class and the girls are talking some gossip, what else are girls doing at this age? Anyway, I make a blunt comment to one of the girls. I don't even remember what the comment was. I just know I was trying to be funny (it was funny, that I can remember) and the girl didn't take that in a good way. So she basically challenges me to a fight after school. I though she was mental and joking so I acted cool #challengeaccepted
So the bell rings and everybody gets out of the class rooms. The hallways start to fill up and the news spread like f***** fire. In that moment, I realized: "Alright, it's happening...I'm getting my a** whopped". Honestly, I didn't stand a change, the girl was much taller and stronger than me. I was ready to get beaten and publicly humiliated in front of the entire school. Let me speed this up for you: I get out of the school building and there they are...every person I have ever seen in this school, was there! And like in the movies, they start to make way for me to pass and get to the middle of the crowd where the girl is already waiting for me. She looked like a professional boxer to me at this point. I wasn't even ready yet and she had already slapped me twice..haha (OMG I'm cracking up in my living room by myself right now). At this point, obviously, I started to get really pissed off and I was no coward so we broke out in "slap wars". At this point one of our classmates came to my defense because she was seeing me lose the fight (hahaha...still cracking up). As she gets between the two of us, she gets a PUNCH from the girl, she punched her in the face!! (Michelle, if you're reading this, I think I never thanked you for taking that punched for me.) After the punch, we started to run and the crowd started to spread because the fight had gotten too serious and we didn't want to get into any trouble with the teachers. Funniest thing of all: The next day everything was back to normal, as if nothing had happened. Teenagers...oh my!! 

20. How many countries have you visited?

Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Germany, England, Scotland, Iceland, Denmark, Czech Republic, Netherlands and the US. That makes: 12

21. What was your favorite/worst subject in High School?

Favorite: English. Although the English level in Swiss high school's is a joke, but I have a natural skill for languages.
Worst and most hated: Math!! Algebra...seriously? Who came up with that?

22. What is your favorite drink? Animal? Perfume?

Drink: Non-alcoholic: Water. Alcoholic: PiƱa colada! Yeeeesss!!!
Animal: Loveeeee Koalas! 
Perfume: Angel by Thierry Mugler

23. What would you (or have you) name(d) your children?

Sophia, our first born (Can you tell that Game of Thrones is my life?). She is named after my great-grandmother. I have a very special connection with my grandma. Apparently, my Mom had a similar connection with her grandma. We loved the name right away because it's so easy to pronounce and it's very international. I wanted to name our second, Alice, like my mother-in-law but turns out, my husband hates the name...ha!! We still haven't decided what to name girl number two yet.

24. What Sports do you play/Have you played

Ha! I played Tennis for a while as a kid. I sucked at it...

25. Who are some of your favorite YouTubers?

Ohhh where to begin...
Laura Vitale, It's Judy Time, Mamiblock, Patricia Bright, Wayne Goss, Camila Coelho, Dulce Candy, Kandee Johnson, Mimi Ikonn....there's too many!

26. How many boyfriends have you  had?

Dang! 3 including my husband :) All the others were just high school crushes, nothing serious.

27. Favorite memory from childhood?

All summer breaks spent in Portugal with my grandparents. Especially that one morning when I woke up at 5 am to bake bread in a ancient stone oven with my grandma. I will never forget that smell and how the dough felt. There was something magical about it...

28. How would you describe your fashion sense?

Non-existent haha. I mean, I have a good sense of fashion but I'm really bad at putting it together on myself. I try to dress casual/smart...kinda!

29. What phone do you have?

iPhone 6

30. Tell us one of your bad habits

I'm a nail biter. Veeery bad habit!

That was really fun to write! I may do more of these once in a while. I think its a great way to get to know someone.

Have a great week everyone!



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