The Second Child

Hi all,

Hope you all are doing well.

Now that my second pregnancy is coming to an end, I felt the need to write a short post on this topic.

This pregnancy has been a blessing. So easy to handle and with not much pain nor usual problems.
I didn't have a very bad first pregnancy either but this one was a piece of cake. The only issue I had was the sciatic nerve pain in my back. Nothing my chiropractic couldn't fix within a few sessions. Also blood pressure has been on a low level for the last couple of weeks but nothing serious. That's it. No nausea, no vomiting, no big has been good!!

Also the preparation for a second child is sooo much easier. For the first child you download all these checklists and are constantly shopping for baby stuff and in a hurry to get everything was nuts during my first pregnancy.
This time around all I did was:

  • Move Sophia with all her belongings into the bigger bedroom a few months before sissy arrives.
  • Get all of Sophia's baby clothes from the basement and wash them.
  • Buy new toiletries for the baby (diapers, creams, lotions, baby shampoo etc.) 
I think that's it. We have her room pretty much already set up. We just need to buy a small closet for the rest of the clothes that don't fit into the other dresser. And we are all done! Ready for baby number two!

Also the emotions are so different. During my first pregnancy I spent hours reading and preparing for my first child. Mine and my husbands world turned around this tiny thing in my belly. 
This time around, we discovered we were pregnant during our summer holidays at the beach. There was a short "yaay" and then we told our families. Another short "yaay". Then our lives just continued as nothing had changed. Until pretty much now, that I can't walk like a normal human anymore and it's so obvious that I'm about to pop haha. 
Don't get me me wrong, it's not that this child is loved's just totally more relaxed. I don't constantly think about how the baby is and I don't track every single movement. I'm actually enjoying this pregnancy much more than my first one. The pressure is not as present. 

And then yesterday it hit me...something that hadn't crossed my mind before:
What if something happens to me during or after giving birth?

I had to stop what I was doing and sit down for a moment. What if they have to do another emergency C-section (my first birth story will need to have a dedicated post) and something goes wrong? What if my scar-tissue is massive and they cut my organs and I bleed to death? Wow, that was dramatic, sorry! But really, it crossed my mind!!
My little Sophia...I need to come back to her strong and healthy! I need to make sure nothing bad happens to me. My husband, my Mum...oh my...
I tried to push the though aside but it lingered even during my sleep. 
That's the big difference to the first pregnancy. Now you are already responsible for a little human and you have the responsibility to come back safe and sound. It's the scariest thing I have ever experienced and what led me to write this post. I'm sure, I'm not the first nor the last one to feel like this.

Anyhow, I have to stay positive and believe everything will be fine and I'll be okay. If you go into labor with a negative mindset, you are your going to be miserable and will not be able to enjoy this amazing experience. For all of you soon-to-be-mom's out there: It's true, you will forget all the pain as soon as you hold your baby for the first time!

Let me know how you felt during your second or third pregnancy in the comments.
I would really like to read some of your stories.

Have a good rest of the week!



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